Monday 15 June 2009

The Morning Walk

or Mr and Mrs William Hallet by Thomas Gainsborough, 1785


  1. Ninon: Thanks for your note at

    The best part is that it helped me discover your blog. We're linking to it FOR SURE!

    All best, Holly

  2. Hello Holly,

    Thank you! I'm flattered.:)


  3. I think this painting captures the quiet atmosphere of morning so well.

  4. Hi Ninon,
    I adore Gainsbourough. Some of his paintings are remarkable for how modern they must have been at the time. I can't think of the titles, but there are two of the same couple and they are so unusual. I'll have to get back with you about it. Thank you so much for your thoughtful comment. It is always a treat to hear from you, Ninon.
    Catherine xx

  5. Hello Matterhorn,

    Indeed! It's a marvellous painting :))

  6. Hello Catherine,

    I adore Gainsborough too :) I especially like the 'creamyness' he have in his paintings. Do send me a comment when you know the titles! I would love to see the paintings you refer too, I don't think I have studied them before.

    And you're welcome! As I said, your blog is a delight!

    Ninon xx :)
